The other dimension of weighing

Sector ITS - Enforcement :

Load limit control

Load limit control

Compliance with axle and total vehicle weight load limits is a key element of transport safety. An overloaded vehicle does not behave in the same way as a properly loaded vehicle; its braking distance is considerably increased. The fight against unfair competition between carriers and the protection of road infrastructure are also important tasks for State services. Weighing techniques and weighing equipment may differ depending on the control objectives. Weighing is carried out with low-speed dynamic axle weights and approved static axle weights. According to controls on the road network, fixed axle scales, mobile axle scales, truck weighing stations and wheel weighers can be used. Stationary axle weighing platforms are generally located in high traffic areas. Mobile axle scales can be deployed anywhere on the road network by the control services. Truck weighing stations are used for low-speed weighing of heavy-duty vehicles in order to increase the number of vehicle weighing.

Dynamic weighing station

Dynamic weighing stations, also called moving weighing systems, are use to measuring vehicle weigh when they are in movement up to 5 mph. This weighing systems are used to enforce the weigh limit on roads and bridges and tot prevent overloads that can damage infrastructure. Weight data per axle are rendered in real time on the certified computer system. The low-speed dynamic weighing stations developed by Captels are an essential equipment to improve the efficiency of controls and safety on the roads. Captels offers installation and training services for the operation and maintenance of certified dynamic weighing stations.

Dynamic weighing station

Weighing utility vehicles and trucks

Captels offer a range of approved axle weighing systems and wheels weighing designed for utility vehicles and trucks. These scales integrating advanded technologies allow efficent traffic control, accuratly measuring the weight of each axle and total load of the vehicle. The axles scale Captels ensure that the legal limits are never exceeded. Law enforcement can quickly check load limit of vehicles. Mobile scales Captels are made from durable materials ensuring precision, even after a long use in harsh environment. Captels offer reliable and precise solutions for weighing utility vehicle and trucks, thus contributing to compliance with transport regulations.

Weighing utility vehicles and trucks

Load limit control weighing solutions

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ITS - Enforcement

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