The other dimension of weighing

Sector Industry :

Logistic transport weighing

Logistic transport weighing

Transportation and logistics are key areas of the global economy that move goods from one place to another. They play a crucial role in the production and distribution chain of all types of goods and services and are essential to maintain a high level of trade and connectivity between different parts of the world. There are many modes of transport, such as road, rail, air, sea and canals, each with its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the type of cargo to be moved and the distance to be travelled. Logistics refers to the organization and planning of the entire transport chain, from origin to final destination, using the most efficient and cost-effective modes of transport possible. Weighing systems are essential equipment for the transport and logistics industry, they make it possible to determine the weight of goods transported and ensure compliance with road and SOLAS regulations. Several modern solutions are available, from certified weighing systems for weighing containers, to automatic dynamic axle weighers for trucks and weighing platforms for trucks. Technology and innovation are key to improving the efficiency and sustainability of these sectors.

Axle weighing system for trucks

Heavy-duty axle scales are equipment used to accurately measure the weight of each axle and to calculate the total weight of a heavy-duty vehicle, like a truck or semi-trailer. They verify that the load distribution and total mass of the vehicle comply with the load limits defined by the road regulations and SOLAS. Captels offers axle scales for trucks that are easy to install and require minimal maintenance. Some are permanently installed in a weighing pad, while others can be moved and used at different sites. By using heavy-duty axle weighers, logistics platforms can ensure compliance with the regulations and ensure the optimal loading of goods vehicles. This reduces the risk of accidents and improves the efficiency of the transport chain.

Axle weighing system for trucks

Weighing platform for truck

Captels sells weighing platforms designed specifically for trucks. These portable weighing systems can be installed quickly and easily on concrete or asphalt. Trucks are weighed in and out of the logistics platform to determine the total weight of the truck and its contents. Weighing VGM containers (verified gross weight of the container) is a process to ensure that the weight of a container is properly declared before it is loaded onto a ship. For physical weighing, the container must be fully loaded and closed, then weighed on a certified truck weighing platform. This requirement was introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 2016, under the SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) Convention, to improve the safety of ships and their cargo.

Weighing platform for truck

Weighing solutions for logistic transport

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