The Captels platforms of the CET SERIES range are designed and manufactured in technological control of the process. Our know-how guarantees the accuracy and reliability of our weighing solutions. Calibration is carried out using COFRAC certified weights.
The ergonomics of the platforms are suitable for quick and easy installation with maximum comfort. The platforms are optimized to have the best ratio of weight, resistance. They have side handles for easy handling.
Captels weighing solutions are recognized worldwide for their robust and reliable design. Our weighing sensors are made of stainless steel on the basis of high-performance strain gauges for maximum and lasting quality.
The WIM E suitcase weighing indicator has the functions of dynamic, static weighing, axle weight measurement and totalization. Weighing data and related information can be printed or exported in CSV format.
CET dynamic platforms are easy to handle. They are equipped with side handles that facilitate installation. Axle platforms can be easily moved from one site to another using a light commercial vehicle.
The aluminum raceways are clipped onto the platforms to ensure optimal safety for users. This accessory reproduces a flat surface before and after the plates to avoid load transfers between the axles.
Accurate and durable weighing scale for trucks and trucks
High reliability weighing indicator simple and intuitive interface
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