Captels cordless embedded axles are designed and manufactured in technological control of the process. Our know-how guarantees the accuracy and reliability of our weighing solutions. Calibration is carried out using COFRAC certified weights.
The LPM SERIES Captels embedded axle weights do not require major civil engineering work. The axle weigher casing is manufactured using UPN steel beams protected by an anti-rust paint. Its design allows for quick and easy installation.
Captels weighing solutions are recognized worldwide for their robust and reliable design. Our sensors are made of stainless steel on the basis of high performance strain gauges for maximum and lasting quality.
SMART WEIGHING offers you a simple and intuitive interface developed for the acquisition of axle weight and totalization measurements. It allows easy printing, weighing export and data centralization on Smart Weighing Cloud.
The Smart Weighing app can be combined and connected to the Cloud Smart Weighing platform. This associated service allows centralized management of multi-site weighing data in real time. Weighing reports can be exported to PDF and CSV formats.
The dimensions and capacity of the LPM SERIES axle weigher allow weighing vehicles of different wheelbases and tracks. The Smart Weighing application and the Cloud interface do not require any prerequisites for its use.
Precise and durable weighing scale for light commercial vehicles
Weighing application developed for mass distribution control
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