Captels mobile wheels are designed and manufactured in the technological mastery of the process. Our know-how guarantees the accuracy and reliability of our weighing solutions. Calibration is carried out using COFRAC certified weights.
The ergonomics of the weighing wheels are suitable for quick installation with maximum comfort and safety. The platforms are optimized to have the best ratio of weight, resistance to avoid injury risks and musculoskeletal disorders.
Captels weighing solutions are recognized worldwide for their robust and reliable design. Our sensors are made of stainless steel on the basis of high performance strain gauges for maximum and lasting quality.
SMART WEIGHING offers you a simple and intuitive interface developed for the acquisition of measurements of wheel weight, mass distribution and totalization. It makes it easy to print or export weighing in PDF and CSV format.
The RX1000 SERIES Mobile Mobile Wheels are lightweight and easy to handle. They are equipped with side handles that facilitate installation. The aluminum ramps are easily clipped onto the weight wheels to allow easy handling.
The design of the RX 1000 SERIES Captels scales allows the weighing of racing cars on all types of terrain and environmental conditions. The Smart Weighing application does not require a pre-requisite for its use.
Precise and durable weighing scales designed for all-terrain use
Weighing application developed for mass distribution control
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