Extra flat mobile scales Captels are designed and manufatured in the technological mastery of the process. Our expertise ensure the accuracy and reliability of our weighing solutions. Calibration is carried out using COFRAC certified weights.
The ergonomics of the scales are suitable for quick installation with maximum comfort and safety. The platforms are optimized to have the best ratio of weight, resistance to avoid injury risks and musculoskeletal disorders.
Captels weighing solutions are recognized worldwide for their robust and reliable design. Our sensors are made of stainless steel on the basis of high performance strain gauges for maximum and lasting quality.
The VPR MVN luggage weighing indicator features the functions of wheel weight measurement, mass distribution and totalization. Weighing data can be printed directly or transmitted to the LPX RM weighing software.
The LP4SP SERIES wheel weights are lightweight and easy to handle. The low height of the scales allows the use of short non-slip ramps. These accessories are easily clipped onto the wheel weights to allow easy handling.
The LP4SP flat mobile scales allow the weighing of lowered racing cars with very low ground clearance. The associated indicator is equipped with an intuitive and efficient interface. The handling does not require any prerequisites.
High reliability weighing indicator simple and intuitive interface
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